Understanding the world with a different perspective
Published on March 2, 2010 By Alorum In Off-Topic

I'm kind of new to forum life and am wondering what are the access levels for? Are they for how many karma you can give? (how can you give more then one karma?) Or are they for something different?

Thanks for any help

on Mar 02, 2010


About covers it ....

on Mar 02, 2010

one more question, what do the karma do? do they just recognize people for there contributions or something else?

on Mar 02, 2010

Other community members give you karma solely based upon their own standards, whatever they maybe.

on Mar 02, 2010

I have no standards.

on Mar 02, 2010

I have no standards.


on Mar 03, 2010


on Mar 03, 2010

what do the karma do?

It tends to be a reflection of how helpful someone is in the forums. I have given karma to people for being helpful, but also for being funny.

Karma corrupts. It inflates one's ego. It leads to karma-whoredom. Just ask the Doc...

on Mar 03, 2010

@ PoSmedley:

on Mar 03, 2010

what do the karma do?

It tends to be a reflection of how helpful someone is in the forums. I have given karma to people for being helpful, but also for being funny.

Karma corrupts. It inflates one's ego. It leads to karma-whoredom. Just ask the Doc...

Asked and answered. Mirsguy...normally I wouldn't bother answering someone of such puny karma...however, in your case....



on Mar 03, 2010

How can you give more then one?

on Mar 03, 2010

How can you give more then one?

It's tied to your User Level.

on Mar 03, 2010

Sorry about that, Doc. That was pure sarcastic humor, and I did not mean it toward you, or anyone, really. Just being silly.

I hope you will accept my most sincere apologies.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to defame me, do it in a way I won't enjoy so much, cuz I really love pie!

on Mar 03, 2010

   Defame? Heck no!  Here's some more pie, Bri! 


on Mar 03, 2010


Quoting Alorum,
reply 10
How can you give more then one?

It's tied to your User Level.

And before you ask - your user level is tied to Stardock Staff opinions of your attitude and credibility on the Board.
ie Be a decent Human Being consistently over a loooong period of time, helping others (Stardock & Members), renounce flaming, just be an all round "good guy (gal)" , up the ladder you go.

Being a two faced toad flaming all in sight with a selfish "me me" attatude, out to show how wonderful they are ,consigns the individual to the basement for life

Works for me, the Politically Correct Brigade have long since lost their senses over this kind of thing 


on Mar 03, 2010

Thanks a lot!